Bright spots

It's nice to look forward to things. It's especially nice to look forward to things when the world is full of uncertainty.  It was that desire to have a teeny bright spot on the horizon that led me to re-think my gifting strategies. 

First up: My brother-in-law. When his 50th rolled around, I decided to get him a candy-of-the-month subscription. Yummy sweets and sours at your door for half a year. Totally fun, right? It was such a hit, I got my niece one of those international snack subscriptions. (She says I'm her favorite person now.) Inspired, I didn't wait for a birthday next time. Instead, I signed my own boys up for a monthly cooking kit, complete with recipes, a little kitchen thing-a-ma-bob, key spices and sauce and more.  They are currently working their way through Asia and, my goodness, that chicken katsu was amazing. 

Now, the kids are excited to get the kit and then make dinner (under dada's watch) every Sunday night, which is now something I can look forward to, as well. So many wins!

And today, I got my first bright spot in the mail. I signed up for a weekly Imperfect Foods delivery, with wonky produce, cheeses, fish, and lots of yummy bits. I decided to include one food that we normally don't eat, to add a little adventure to the whole thing. First up: Dragon fruit. (Thumbs up.)